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  • Returning Membership Renewal

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No Responses to “Membership”

  1. Gary Levine says:

    Thanks Pres­i­dent Barb. Health hard­ships and death not with­stand­ing, I think that the need for Kiwa­nis in our post-Coro­na world will be much greater than before. Thank you for your con­tin­ued lead­er­ship and moti­va­tion as we move through these chal­leng­ing times.

    • Barb Thompson says:

      Thank you for your response, IPP Gary. I think you are right about the need for Kiwa­nis in our post-Coro­na world. I am doing my best to fol­low in your footsteps. 

      Thank you to all the Eye of the Tiger eKi­wa­nis mem­bers for help­ing us and those that we serve to get through these chal­leng­ing times and for bring­ing in new mem­bers to spread the Kiwa­nis impact.

  2. Gary Levine says:

    This is a great project. Thank you Kiwan­ian Doug for your con­tin­ued work.

  3. Gary Levine says:

    It was great see­ing so many of our EC&C Kiwa­ni­ans join­ing us on the Zoom meet­ing. EOT mem­ber, DP Coleen did a fab­u­lous job in get­ting Divi­sion 25 mem­bers out. She obvi­ous­ly used the same per­sua­sive skills that she uses when recruit­ing new club mem­bers. Who knew that this kind of mem­ber engage­ment would be a byprod­uct of our glob­al pandemic.

  4. Love­ly read­ing. Thanks for shar­ing. It was a joy shar­ing meet­ing with so many of our fel­low kiwan­ian friends across the miles.

  5. Kelly Pena says:


    At your con­ve­nience do you think you could show me how to cre­ate a newslet­ter like this? I have all the con­tent I need but do not know how to make it look pro­fes­sion­al like this. Do you use some type of program?

    Kind regards,


  6. Barb Thompson says:


    This newslet­ter was love­ly and read so smooth­ly. You found a per­fect pic­ture of the Kiwa­nis Club of Greater Port­more imple­ment­ing their #WECARE plan. The clip art in the newslet­ter looks like it was devel­oped espe­cial­ly for the arti­cles that they enhanced. Thank you for the pro­files and pic­tures of the speak­ers. And My Hero is You is an awe­some book that we all need to read right now. Thank you for an out­stand­ing newslet­ter again!


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