We'd like you to join our Eye of the Tiger eKiwanis Club

Come find out what new club opening is really all about


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Welcome to our Eye of the Tiger Club Site

In 2018 some­thing hap­pened in Kiwa­nis that had not hap­pened in almost 30 years. We grew in mem­ber­ship and in new clubs like nev­er before. It did­n’t hap­pen by acci­dent. It hap­pened because of a lot of hard work by a lot of ded­i­cat­ed vol­un­teers focused on one sin­gle thing: open strong, sus­tain­able clubs so that more chil­dren in more com­mu­ni­ties can ben­e­fit from the pro­grams that Kiwa­nis offers.

This grow­ing group of Kiwa­ni­ans, under the direc­tion of then Inter­na­tion­al Pres­i­dent, Jim Rochford, approached their task with “the eye of the tiger”. Their goal was two-fold:

  1. Open strong sus­tain­able Kiwa­nis Clubs
  2. Teach on-site Kiwa­ni­ans how to do it effi­cient­ly, effec­tive­ly and enjoyable.

To com­mem­o­rate the effort and make sure that it con­tin­ues, we cre­at­ed this Eye of the Tiger eKi­wa­nis Club. Ded­i­cat­ed to the same prin­ci­ples that were honed in 2018, we con­tin­ue to grow and to prosper.



Virtual Golf Ball Drop Fun-Raiser

On Thurs­day, Novem­ber 21, we will be drop­ping our balls and reveal­ing our 2024 win­ner. Don’t miss out on the fun. Buy your golf ball drop tick­et today!


Golf Ball Drop Tickets





If you would like to support the ongoing work of our Kiwanis Eye of the Tiger Club, please click here: