A Book Bonanza!

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A Book Bonanza!

The Kiwa­nis Club of Strath­more and the Eye of the Tiger eKi­wa­nis Club have part­nered togeth­er for a book drop/donation ser­vice project, serv­ing the third grade class­es at Strath­more Ele­men­tary school. The stu­dents will receive a book a week for three weeks.

At our EOT club meet­ing, a com­mit­tee was formed to cre­ate objec­tives and para­me­ters for sup­port­ing lit­er­a­cy in the class­room. Sec­re­tary Alan, Trea­sur­er Valar­ie, Doug Chad­wick, Chuck Gugli­uz­za and Bar­bara Breuer have vol­un­teered to be on the com­mit­tee. Their rec­om­men­da­tions will be brought back to the Board.

Many of you have asked for infor­ma­tion about order­ing books your­self to dis­trib­ute to your local schools. Thus far $700 has been donat­ed to the book pro­gram through the ini­tia­tives of sev­er­al EOT members. 

Doug Chad­wick has kind­ly shared the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion should you wish to order books. Please order in min­i­mum quan­ti­ties of ten, pre­fer­ring orders of 50 books or more at a time. Ship­ping and spe­cial Eye of the Tiger labels are includ­ed. Books are $2 each.

How does one pay?

Pay­pal — jean@theliteracyclub.org or ven­mo The Lit­er­a­cy Club or send a check to  The Lit­er­a­cy Club 13381 Azores Ave  Syl­mar Ca 91342 . They are a 5013c corp.

Email your ques­tions to:

Doug@theliteracyclub.org or Jean@theliteracyclub.org

Book Order form link below.

Kiwa­nis Eye of the Tiger Book Dis­tro Invoice

One Response to “A Book Bonanza!”

  1. Gary Levine says:

    This is a great project. Thank you Kiwan­ian Doug for your con­tin­ued work.

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