Tiger News!

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Tiger News!

Six­teen eager EOT Kiwa­ni­ans were held in rapt atten­tion on Novem­ber 21st as our meet­ing was once again chaired by our Pres­i­dent, Past Inter­na­tion­al Trustee Barb Thomp­son. She greet­ed all and thanked every­one for mak­ing a some­what lat­er meet­ing time. Sev­er­al mem­bers had to send regrets as they were attend­ing oth­er Kiwa­nis func­tions. That we can forgive…

Birth­day best wish­es go out to our Pres­i­dent Barb on Decem­ber 5th, Alan Struck on the 16th and Ker­ri Gor­don on the 17th. All of us wish you a very hap­py birth­day and a hap­py, healthy year ahead. A few Tigers do not appear to have their birth month and day list­ed with KI so I do apol­o­gize if I missed you. If so, please do let me know

Our tal­ent­ed Trea­sur­er Valar­ie Brown-Klin­gel­hoe­fer report­ed that our dues to CNH of $ 1666 and KI of $2631 are all paid. Yea! We cur­rent­ly have accu­mu­lat­ed $2080 in our admin­is­tra­tive fund and $800 in our ser­vice bud­get. $200 from the ser­vice account is des­ig­nat­ed to pay for book labels while the rest is made pos­si­ble by the gen­eros­i­ty of EOT members.

In con­junc­tion with the Lit­er­a­cy Club Foun­da­tion our EOT mem­bers may apply for books to dis­trib­ute to local schools. For $2 per dona­tion, you will receive a chil­dren’s book worth $4.99 or more. The min­i­mum order is 10 books but you can order more. The more books…the merrier! 

The EOT book plate labels will be insert­ed pri­or to mail­ing the books out to you. You can spec­i­fy the age lev­el of the chil­dren you wish to serve and even their area of inter­est as well.

This EOT lit­er­a­cy project is made pos­si­ble with dona­tions from Emil­ia and Chuck Gugli­uz­za, Joe Mey­er, Valar­ie Brown-Klin­gel­hoe­fer and Doug Chad­wick of the Kiwa­nis Lit­er­a­cy Club. As your newslet­ter edi­tor, I am vague on the details and the specifics of this won­der­ful ini­tia­tive, so I would sug­gest you reach out to Doug for more information.

Prepa­ra­tions for the KI pre-con­ven­tion blitz are under­way. EOT Joe Mey­er, PIP Jim Rochford and KI Club Open­er Jay Hub­bard are coor­di­nat­ing the event. Joe Mey­er is work­ing with the cur­rent Gov­er­nor, incom­ing Gov­er­nor and LG to find appro­pri­ate site selec­tions. Joe iden­ti­fied poten­tial loca­tions with more research to come pri­or to a final decision.

Pres­i­dent Barb will reach out to club mem­bers to get an idea of those who are able to par­tic­i­pate in the club open­ing Sun­day, Mon­day, Tues­day and per­haps Wednes­day night. Hotel rooms will be pre­arranged. She will also sub­mit a grant appli­ca­tion request with KI that would help with the cost of the blitz. This should keep her busy…

Addi­tion­al­ly, Joe has approached KI about the pos­si­bil­i­ty of EOT mem­bers sell­ing but­ter­fly pork­chops at the con­ven­tion to help raise mon­ey for our ser­vice account. The tim­ing and loca­tion of this is on cur­rent­ly being explored. Thank you Joe for fir­ing up those ideas!

PIP Jim shared the end of year mem­ber­ship num­bers with us and the cur­rent sta­tus of club build­ing. Con­grat­u­la­tions to East­ern Cana­da and the Caribbean for being in the plus col­umn as well as Rocky Moun­tain and Asis Pacif­ic for the last Kiwa­nis year. On the whole, Kiwa­nis lost approx­i­mate­ly 2400 mem­bers, hence the need for open­ing new clubs. Last year saw 433 clubs opened to help mit­i­gate the mem­ber­ship loss. This year we are cur­rent­ly behind in club open­ing com­pared to the last two years. Time to let the tigers out! 

When the next Kiwa­nis Inter­na­tion­al Con­ven­tion is held in Indi­anapo­lis, Inter­na­tion­al Past Pres­i­dent Jim Rochford, EOT mem­ber Joe Mey­er and KI Club Open­er Jay Hub­bard have all vol­un­teered to help spear­head the club open­ing event pri­or to the KI con­ven­tion. We thank them for tak­ing on this task.

Com­mit­tee Chairs

  • Fundrais­ing —  Mary Jo Brubaker/Katrina Barenko
  • Ser­vice Projects —  Julia Levine
  • Web­mas­ter —  Gary Levine
  • Social Media —  Car­son Schreiber
  • Pro­gram —  Valerie Brown-Klin­gel­hoe­fer
  • Con­ven­tion Blitz —  Joe Mey­er, Jim Rochford, Jay Hubbard
  • Finan­cial Review —  Mem­bers Needed*

Should you wish to vol­un­teer for any com­mit­tees, Please Con­tact Pres­i­dent Barb.

Please mark your cal­en­dar for Decem­ber 19th for our next meet­ing at 7 pm. EST.

To help out your eas­i­ly dis­tract­ed EOT newslet­ter edi­tor… please send com­mit­tee reports, pic­tures and ideas to me, Julia Levine. That real­ly helps me out. Thank you!

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