Tiger News!

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Tiger News!

There were 23 Mem­bers present on our EOT con­fer­ence call held on Jan­u­ary 16th. We are look­ing for­ward to our next con­fer­ence call when our Cal-Nev-Ha Lieu­tenant Gov­er­nor for Divi­sion 18, Ramon Rivera, will be our guest speaker.

Speak­ing of speakers…PIP Jim Rochford gave a rous­ing mem­ber­ship speech to a packed house at the Kiwa­nis Club of Tama­rac meet­ing pri­or to attend­ing the Flori­da Mid­win­ter cruise. While on board, he was pre­sent­ed with an inlaid EOT wood­en box with pic­tures of club members.

Our Sage Jim was joined by Kiwa­ni­ans on board includ­ing his wife Deb­o­rah, our EOT Pres­i­dent Barb, her hus­band Char­lie, Mar­i­on Tay­lor, Past EOT Pres­i­dent Gary and his wife Julia, Ray Kreig­baum and his wife, Joe Mey­er and LG Mary Lynn and Gov­er­nor Alan Yer­govich. We are pleased to report a total of 3 inter­clubs for Jan­u­ary in the process. Two were on board the Inde­pence of the Seas and one was with the Kiwa­nis Club of the Grand Cay­mans at Guy Harvey’s Bar and Grill. 

Addi­tion­al­ly, EOT mem­bers PIT Gary and Julia joined Joe, Gov­er­nor Alan, LG Mary Lynn, Mar­i­on and Ray at the Sebring Flori­da Char­ter night. This was a club we opened pri­or to the Kiwa­nis Inter­na­tion­al Con­ven­tion in Orlan­do. It was made pos­si­ble by our own EOT mem­bers ful­fill­ing our club’s man­date. Thank you, Joe, for all of your efforts on our behalf. Our atten­dance will qual­i­fy for an EOT inter­club in Feb­ru­ary as well. Be sure to let Sec­re­tary Alan know of any of your ser­vice hours and oth­er inter­clubs for our month end report.

Sev­er­al new clubs have been opened recent­ly with the help of EOT mem­bers Alan, Jay, Valar­ie and Mary Jo includ­ing Jer­sey, Detroit and Nor­walk. When you do open a new club, please send me the club name and num­ber of mem­bers in the club and a pic­ture to jlevine@docpc.com. That way they can be giv­en prop­er recog­ni­tion in our newslet­ter. It is dif­fi­cult on a con­fer­ence call to catch the salient infor­ma­tion accurately.

Our EOT Club is try­ing to have rep­re­sen­ta­tion from every Dis­trict to pro­mote our mes­sage that it is vital to open new clubs and encour­age mem­ber­ship mind­ed mem­bers to seek lead­er­ship roles.

Dis­tricts Need­ing Representatives

  • Cap­i­tal
  • Kansas
  • Ken­tucky-Ten­nessee
  • Min­neso­ta-Dako­tas
  • Mon­tana
  • Ohio
  • Pacif­ic Northwest
  • South­west
  • Texas-Okla­homa
  • Utah-Ida­ho
  • West­ern Canada
  • Wis­con­sin-Upper Michigan

Please wel­come our newest members!

  1. Sharon Moody, Mem­ber­ship Reten­tion Chair, Vice-Gov­er­nor Can­di­date, Flori­da District.
  2. Joe Rug­giero Gov­er­nor, New York Dis­trict Kiwanis.
  3. Bar­bara Breuer LTG-elect, Flori­da Dis­trict Kiwanis
  4. Har­vey White Vice-Gov­er­nor, Flori­da Dis­trict Kiwanis
  5. Nanette Clark LTG Divi­sion 15, Flori­da Dis­trict Kiwanis 

Upcom­ing Birthdays!

Birth­day best wish­es go out to Valar­ie Brown-Klin­gel­hoe­fer on Feb­ru­ary 6th with Cathy Szy­man­s­ki on Valen­tine’s Day. Marching in on the 3rd is Lar­ry Mem­mer, 4th Kat­ri­na Barenko, 7th Cloti Sim­pe­lo, 18th Bill See­man, 22nd Alec Macaulay and round­ing out the month is Alan Quon on the 23rd.




Pres­i­dent: Dr. Barb Thompson

Pres­i­dent-Elect: Dr. Bob Larsen

Sec­re­tary: Alan Guire

Asst. Sec­re­tary: Julia Levine

Trea­sur­er Dr. Valar­ie Brown-Klingelhoefer

Past Pres­i­dent: Gary Levine

Sage: Jim Rochford

Board of Direc­tors: Kat­ri­na Baranko, Joe Mey­er, Car­son Schreiber

Com­mit­tee Chairs

  • Fundrais­ing — Mary Jo Brubaker/Katrina Barenko
  • Ser­vice Projects — Julia Levine
  • Web­mas­ter — Gary Levine
  • Social Media — Car­son Schreiber
  • Pro­gram — Valerie Brown-Klingelhoefer 
  • Con­ven­tion Blitz — Joe Mey­er, Jim Rochford, Jay Hubbard
  • Finan­cial Review — Mem­bers Needed*

Should you wish to vol­un­teer for any com­mit­tees, Please Con­tact Pres­i­dent Barb.

Please mark your cal­en­dar for Feb­ru­ary 20th for our next meet­ing at 7 pm. EST.

To help out your eas­i­ly dis­tract­ed EOT newslet­ter edi­tor… please send com­mit­tee reports, pic­tures and ideas to me, Julia Levine. That real­ly helps me out. Thank you!

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