There were 23 Members present on our EOT conference call held on January 16th. We are looking forward to our next conference call when our Cal-Nev-Ha Lieutenant Governor for Division 18, Ramon Rivera, will be our guest speaker.
Speaking of speakers…PIP Jim Rochford gave a rousing membership speech to a packed house at the Kiwanis Club of Tamarac meeting prior to attending the Florida Midwinter cruise. While on board, he was presented with an inlaid EOT wooden box with pictures of club members.
Our Sage Jim was joined by Kiwanians on board including his wife Deborah, our EOT President Barb, her husband Charlie, Marion Taylor, Past EOT President Gary and his wife Julia, Ray Kreigbaum and his wife, Joe Meyer and LG Mary Lynn and Governor Alan Yergovich. We are pleased to report a total of 3 interclubs for January in the process. Two were on board the Indepence of the Seas and one was with the Kiwanis Club of the Grand Caymans at Guy Harvey’s Bar and Grill.
Additionally, EOT members PIT Gary and Julia joined Joe, Governor Alan, LG Mary Lynn, Marion and Ray at the Sebring Florida Charter night. This was a club we opened prior to the Kiwanis International Convention in Orlando. It was made possible by our own EOT members fulfilling our club’s mandate. Thank you, Joe, for all of your efforts on our behalf. Our attendance will qualify for an EOT interclub in February as well. Be sure to let Secretary Alan know of any of your service hours and other interclubs for our month end report.
Several new clubs have been opened recently with the help of EOT members Alan, Jay, Valarie and Mary Jo including Jersey, Detroit and Norwalk. When you do open a new club, please send me the club name and number of members in the club and a picture to That way they can be given proper recognition in our newsletter. It is difficult on a conference call to catch the salient information accurately.
Our EOT Club is trying to have representation from every District to promote our message that it is vital to open new clubs and encourage membership minded members to seek leadership roles.
Districts Needing Representatives
- Capital
- Kansas
- Kentucky-Tennessee
- Minnesota-Dakotas
- Montana
- Ohio
- Pacific Northwest
- Southwest
- Texas-Oklahoma
- Utah-Idaho
- Western Canada
- Wisconsin-Upper Michigan
Please welcome our newest members!
- Sharon Moody, Membership Retention Chair, Vice-Governor Candidate, Florida District.
- Joe Ruggiero Governor, New York District Kiwanis.
- Barbara Breuer LTG-elect, Florida District Kiwanis
- Harvey White Vice-Governor, Florida District Kiwanis
- Nanette Clark LTG Division 15, Florida District Kiwanis
Upcoming Birthdays!
Birthday best wishes go out to Valarie Brown-Klingelhoefer on February 6th with Cathy Szymanski on Valentine’s Day. Marching in on the 3rd is Larry Memmer, 4th Katrina Barenko, 7th Cloti Simpelo, 18th Bill Seeman, 22nd Alec Macaulay and rounding out the month is Alan Quon on the 23rd.
President: Dr. Barb Thompson
President-Elect: Dr. Bob Larsen
Secretary: Alan Guire
Asst. Secretary: Julia Levine
Treasurer Dr. Valarie Brown-Klingelhoefer
Past President: Gary Levine
Sage: Jim Rochford
Board of Directors: Katrina Baranko, Joe Meyer, Carson Schreiber
Committee Chairs
- Fundraising – Mary Jo Brubaker/Katrina Barenko
- Service Projects – Julia Levine
- Webmaster – Gary Levine
- Social Media – Carson Schreiber
- Program – Valerie Brown-Klingelhoefer
- Convention Blitz – Joe Meyer, Jim Rochford, Jay Hubbard
- Financial Review – Members Needed*
Should you wish to volunteer for any committees, Please Contact President Barb.
Please mark your calendar for February 20th for our next meeting at 7 pm. EST.
To help out your easily distracted EOT newsletter editor… please send committee reports, pictures and ideas to me, Julia Levine. That really helps me out. Thank you!