Tiger News!

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Tiger News!

Our Eye of the Tiger meeting was held on December 19th at 7 p.m. Eastern Standard time. Thirteen members were able to attend during this busy holiday time of the year. They were warmly welcomed by our President Barb Thompson. She expressed her sincere appreciation for those who were able to attend and to those who sent regrets due to other commitments.

Our Treasurer Valarie Brown-Klingelhoefer reported on the club’s current financial situation. We have $800 in the service account and $2080 in our administrative account. There were no additional expenditures to report since our November meeting. All bills are paid including Kiwanis International and our CalNeva District.

Our busy Secretary Alan Guire reminded us that we should look to recruit new members to our fifty-one members strong Eye of the Tiger club. We hope to recruit Kiwanians from Districts where we currently have no representation in our club. This help to spread the word about our focus to continue the effort to open new clubs.

Past International President Jim Rochford reported on the progress of new club openings during the first quarter of the year. As of our December meeting, there were 32 new clubs opened. Unfortunately, this is critically behind the efforts of the previous two years. Taiwan is leading in the club opening efforts thus far. The Kiwanis International goal for this year is 355 new clubs. At the beginning of the year, our membership had dropped to 189000 members.

There is a three-club opening blitz being planned in March in California. Please let Valarie know if you might be interested in volunteering.

Birthday best wishes go out to Chuck and Emilia Gugliuzza as Emilia celebrates on the 10th of this month and Chuck follows shortly behind on the 20th. We also extend our best wishes to Rogena Woods-Mitchell who will celebrate on the 29th. All of us wish you a very happy birthday and a happy, healthy year ahead. A few Tigers do not appear to have their birthday listed with KI so I do apologize if I missed you. If so, please do let me know



Committee Chairs

  • Fundraising – Mary Jo Brubaker/Katrina Barenko
  • Service Projects – Julia Levine
  • Webmaster – Gary Levine
  • Social Media – Carson Schreiber
  • Program – Valerie Brown-Klingelhoefer
  • Convention Blitz – Joe Meyer, Jim Rochford, Jay Hubbard
  • Financial Review – Members Needed*

Should you wish to volunteer for any committees, Please Contact President Barb.

Please mark your calendar for January 16th for our next meeting at 7 pm. EST.

To help out your easily distracted EOT newsletter editor… please send committee reports, pictures and ideas to me, Julia Levine. That really helps me out. Thank you!

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