Take Time To Read!

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Take Time To Read!

The book I am rec­om­mend­ing to you this month is a sto­ry based upon a true sto­ry. The Grade Twos I read this book to were eager to iden­ti­fy all the ani­mals inside the front cov­er before I began to read the sto­ry. This book is quite time­ly know­ing the ter­ri­ble fires now roar­ing through Australia.

The young boy, Anto­nio Willie Giroux, loved to explore the woods and look for ani­mals, but they always remained hid­den away. One hot, dry sum­mer dis­as­ter struck: a fire rushed through the for­est. Every­one ran to the lake to stand knee deep in the water as they watched the fire. Slow­ly, ani­mals emerged from their for­est home and joined the peo­ple in the water. Mirac­u­lous­ly, all sur­vived but Anto­nio nev­er for­got the time when he watched the dis­tance between peo­ple and ani­mals disappear.

Hap­py Reading!

Julia Levine


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