Take Time To Read!

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Take Time To Read!

This mon­th’s book is Wher­ev­er you go: My love with find you by Nan­cy Tillman.

In hon­our of Valentine’s Day, this month I am going to rec­om­mend a Read Aloud for you to share with your son, daugh­ter or grand­child. I just mailed two copies to my grand­ba­bies in Canada.

Love is the great­est gift we have to give our chil­dren. It’s the one thing they can car­ry with them each and every day. If love could take shape, it might look some­thing like these heart­felt words and images from the inim­itable Nan­cy Tillman.

Wher­ev­er You Are is a book to share with your loved ones, no mat­ter how near or far, no mat­ter how young or old, they are.

Hap­py Valen­tine’s Day and shar­ing the love of reading!


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