EOT BOD Meeting
Oct Membership Meeting October 13th
Hope everyone is having a great week. Our EOT InterClub Committee has organized another chance to visit the EC&C on Monday 7pm EST, 6pm CST. Let us all enjoy our fellow Kiwanians for an evening of fun and Kiwanis Friendship. If you have any further questions or comments please contact us.
Kiwanis Club of Nassau AM is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Kiwanis Club of Nassau AM's Zoom Meeting
Time: Jan 30, 2023 07:00 PM America/Nassau
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 867 9643 2930
Passcode: ANCHORED
Our InterClub Committee has us traveling to the MNDak online eclub’s general meeting on Wednesday April 26th at 5pm CST. Guest Speaker is Lilian Thai. Kiwanis Key Club International President. So please let’s have a great turnout for this interclub, we will also be here in June developing a three new Kiwanis Clubs for […]
Meet the Kiwanis International Trustee Candidates and Eye of the Tiger eKiwanis members
InterClub I-I eKiwanis
Well it’s time again for our eKiwanis Club to begin our roar leading up to our KI Convention in Minneapolis. Last year in Indianapolis, our volunteers gathered to together to develop 2 new Kiwanis Clubs in the Indiana District. Well this year Kiwanis International President Bert West and our own Eye of the Tiger eKiwanis Club President Jim Rochford have asked our volunteer “Tigers” to develop 3 new Kiwanis Clubs in the Minn DAk District. The planning has begun, sites are being developed and from Sunday June 18th thru Wednesday June 21, our membership will have these new clubs opened…
Well now it is up to you, we need our volunteers who are new club builders to come into Minneapolis to help with our EOT Clubs service project. Now is the time to volunteer, so please contact me so we can beginning getting together the group again..
I thank you in advance for your consideration and hope to see everyone assisting what each of us want to do…
Three sites have been identified. Forty-five members want to be involved in the build. About seven
volunteers are not going to the convention; however, they will help out behind the scenes.
Approximately 12 to 15 people will be on site for each team.
Care has been taken to avoid overload in any particular division. Club need to be accessible but not close
to each other.
MinnDak district assisting in finding coaches and providing help with membership. The MinnDAK Kiwanis
governor is involved.
Clubs identified are: White Bear Lake, Hastings, and Elk River.