January Tiger News

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Tiger News!

Our Eye of the Tiger meet­ing was held on Decem­ber 19th at 7 p.m. East­ern Stan­dard time. Thir­teen mem­bers were able to attend dur­ing this busy hol­i­day time of the year. They were warm­ly wel­comed by our Pres­i­dent Barb Thomp­son. She expressed her sin­cere appre­ci­a­tion for those who were able to attend and to those who sent regrets due to oth­er commitments.

Our Trea­sur­er Valar­ie Brown-Klin­gel­hoe­fer report­ed on the club’s cur­rent finan­cial sit­u­a­tion. We have $800 in the ser­vice account and $2080 in our admin­is­tra­tive account. There were no addi­tion­al expen­di­tures to report since our Novem­ber meet­ing. All bills are paid includ­ing Kiwa­nis Inter­na­tion­al and our Cal­Ne­va District.

Our busy Sec­re­tary Alan Guire remind­ed us that we should look to recruit new mem­bers to our fifty-one mem­bers strong Eye of the Tiger club. We hope to recruit Kiwa­ni­ans from Dis­tricts where we cur­rent­ly have no rep­re­sen­ta­tion in our club. This help to spread the word about our focus to con­tin­ue the effort to open new clubs.

Past Inter­na­tion­al Pres­i­dent Jim Rochford report­ed on the progress of new club open­ings dur­ing the first quar­ter of the year. As of our Decem­ber meet­ing, there were 32 new clubs opened. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, this is crit­i­cal­ly behind the efforts of the pre­vi­ous two years. Tai­wan is lead­ing in the club open­ing efforts thus far. The Kiwa­nis Inter­na­tion­al goal for this year is 355 new clubs. At the begin­ning of the year, our mem­ber­ship had dropped to 189000 members.

There is a three-club open­ing blitz being planned in March in Cal­i­for­nia. Please let Valar­ie know if you might be inter­est­ed in volunteering.

Birth­day best wish­es go out to Chuck and Emil­ia Gugli­uz­za as Emil­ia cel­e­brates on the 10th of this month and Chuck fol­lows short­ly behind on the 20th. We also extend our best wish­es to Roge­na Woods-Mitchell who will cel­e­brate on the 29th. All of us wish you a very hap­py birth­day and a hap­py, healthy year ahead. A few Tigers do not appear to have their birth­day list­ed with KI so I do apol­o­gize if I missed you. If so, please do let me know



Com­mit­tee Chairs

  • Fundrais­ing — Mary Jo Brubaker/Katrina Barenko
  • Ser­vice Projects — Julia Levine
  • Web­mas­ter — Gary Levine
  • Social Media — Car­son Schreiber
  • Pro­gram — Valerie Brown-Klingelhoefer 
  • Con­ven­tion Blitz — Joe Mey­er, Jim Rochford, Jay Hubbard
  • Finan­cial Review — Mem­bers Needed*

Should you wish to vol­un­teer for any com­mit­tees, Please Con­tact Pres­i­dent Barb.

Please mark your cal­en­dar for Jan­u­ary 16th for our next meet­ing at 7 pm. EST.

To help out your eas­i­ly dis­tract­ed EOT newslet­ter edi­tor… please send com­mit­tee reports, pic­tures and ideas to me, Julia Levine. That real­ly helps me out. Thank you!

If you would like to support the ongoing work of our Kiwanis Eye of the Tiger Club, please click here: