February Service

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A Book Bonanza!

Many of you have asked for infor­ma­tion about order­ing books to dis­trib­ute to your local schools. Doug Chad­wick has kind­ly shared the fol­low­ing information.

The aver­age retail costs of these books are approx­i­mate­ly $10 each. They are not Scholas­tic Books but are from pub­lish­ers like Dis­ney and Houghton and Mif­flin. We can­not source spe­cif­ic titles as we buy in bulk to keep the price down. The Lit­er­a­cy Club makes up any dif­fer­ence in the price of the books. By part­ner­ing with your club and cov­er­ing any oth­er costs we can get them to you at $2.00 a book.

Please order in quan­ti­ties of ten. Ship­ping and spe­cial Eye of the Tiger labels are includ­ed. Pre­ferred orders are 50 books at a time. For orders more than 300,   please con­tact us.

How do we pay?

Pay­pal — jean@theliteracyclub.org or ven­mo The Lit­er­a­cy Club or send a check to  The Lit­er­a­cy Club 13381 Azores Ave  Syl­mar Ca 91342 . We are a 5013c corp.

Email us with any ques­tions to:

Doug@theliteracyclub.org or Jean@theliteracyclub.org

Thank you for your interest,

Doug Chad­wick

Book Order Form

Quan­ti­ty Min­i­mum order 10 books
(addi­tion­al books ordered at a min­i­mum of 10 book increments)
Age Ranges Age Ranges Avail­able are: Birth — 18 years
Grade Range Grade Ranges Avail­able are: Pre‑K — 12th Grade
Gen­der  If you know list how many of each gen­der you need

If you would like to support the ongoing work of our Kiwanis Eye of the Tiger Club, please click here: