A Year to Remember!

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A Year to Remember!

Greet­ings Fel­low Tigers,

Here we are on Sep­tem­ber 30, the last day of the Kiwa­nis year.  And what a year it has been, with a glob­al pan­dem­ic, racial ten­sions, shaky economies, and extreme weath­er conditions.

And still, you, the Eye of the Tiger eKi­wa­nis mem­bers, con­tin­ue with your strong lead­er­ship. We cur­rent­ly have 73 awe­some mem­bers, an increase of 25 for this year. Our growth as a club enables us to devel­op, encour­age, and sup­port each oth­er in the cul­ture of growth. And we are still grow­ing, thanks to you!

Accord­ing to the Kiwa­nis Inter­na­tion­al 2019–20 Mem­ber­ship Matrix, 56 clubs have been com­plet­ed in the Amer­i­c­as and 147 clubs glob­al­ly. The new club open­ing forms indi­cate that mem­bers of the Eye of the Tiger eKi­wa­nis opened 25 of those 56 clubs in the Amer­i­c­as and 26 of 147 clubs glob­al­ly, and more will prob­a­bly be report­ed in the next few days. Thank you for grow­ing Kiwanis!

It has been my great hon­or to serve as pres­i­dent of the Eye of the Tiger eKi­wa­nis this year and to have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to serve with you.  As part of my farewell mes­sage, I quote from the song “For Good” from the musi­cal Wicked:

I’ve heard it said/That peo­ple come into our lives/For a reason/Bringing some­thing we must learn/And we are led to those/Who help us most to grow if we let them/And we help them in return….I know I’m who I am today/Because I knew you.”

And final­ly, if you did not get to see the video at the end of the meet­ing on Sep­tem­ber 24 (now a two-year tra­di­tion, thanks to Past Pres­i­dent Gary Levine), here is the URL: https://youtu.be/zlKlVy9MSuY   Even if you did watch it, watch it again…and nev­er give up. 

Lead on with Pres­i­dent Bob. Let’s grow!

Yours in Service,

Pres­i­dent Barb

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