Wild and Wolly!

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Wild and Wolly!

EOT mem­ber, Mary Jo Brubak­er, spoke to the club about their 42nd Wool­ly Worm Fes­ti­val in North Car­oli­na. In the Amer­i­can North­east, it is believed that if the wool­ly worm has more brown on its body than black, it will be a fair win­ter. If the wool­ly worm has more black than brown, the win­ter will be harsh. Who knew?

The fes­ti­val is a 2 day event being held in Ban­ner Elk. This fam­i­ly event is co-host­ed by the Avery Coun­ty Cham­ber of Com­merce and the Kiwa­nis Orga­ni­za­tion of Ban­ner Elk.They wel­come more than 16,000 peo­ple to the com­mu­ni­ty to make fam­i­ly mem­o­ries and the chance to earn the pres­ti­gious hon­or of pre­dict­ing the high coun­try winter.

The prof­its from the Wool­ly Worm Fes­ti­val sup­port coun­ty-wide projects as well as the chil­dren of Avery County. 

Thank you Mary Jo for shar­ing your won­der­ful event with us!

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