Tiger News!

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Tiger News!

There were 104 EOT mem­bers and guests present on their com­put­ers or phones for our Kiwa­nis Eye of the Tiger e‑club meet­ing held on the evening of June 25th. We have par­tic­i­pants from all over North Amer­i­ca and as far away as Malaysia. We are indeed a glob­al Kiwa­nis club.

Our club enjoyed host­ing Divi­sions 23, 24 and 25 from Jamaica of East­ern Cana­da and the Caribbean Dis­trict. Spe­cial thanks to DLGE Don­na Coombs from Divi­sion 24 for intro­duc­ing her fel­low Kiwa­ni­ans and LGD Coleen Law­son-Tay­lor from Divi­sion 25 for orga­niz­ing this great inter­club once again. We rec­og­nized the great ser­vice these E. C. & C. Kiwa­ni­ans are con­tin­u­ing to pro­vide for their com­mu­ni­ties despite our glob­al pandemic.

Pres­i­dent Barb Thomp­son was excit­ed to be able to induct three new mem­bers this evening. All were wel­comed with a hearty EOT Zoom handshake.

Sec­re­tary Alan Guire was hon­oured to spon­sor Kiwa­nis Inter­na­tion­al Trustee and our  KI coun­sel­lor for Cal­Ne­va Dis­trict, Greg Beard. KIT Greg is from the Mis­sis­sip­pi Ten­nessee Dis­trict where he joined the Kiwa­nis Club of Alexan­dria, Louisiana in 1995.

EOT Board mem­ber and KI Trustee Kat­ri­na Barenko was delight­ed to spon­sor a hard­work­ing Eye of the Tiger orig­i­nal team mem­ber, Kath­leen Moy­lan.  Kath­leen is the cur­rent Pacif­ic North­west Mem­ber­ship Chair and has assist­ed in innu­mer­able club open­ing blitzes. Wel­come Kathleen!

Recruiter extra­or­di­naire Joe Mey­er was pleased to spon­sor Aman­da Malinkows­ki, Past Pres­i­dent of the Kiwa­nis Club of Tam­pa Bay and cur­rent Chair of Flori­da Dis­trict Strate­gic Plan­ning Com­mit­tee. Her mar­ket­ing skills will come in very handy for our club.

We con­tin­ue on the road to build­ing a stronger Kiwa­nis through those ded­i­cat­ed to grow­ing new clubs, fos­ter­ing incom­ing lead­ers and pro­mot­ing ser­vice to others. 

Past and Upcom­ing Birthdays!

Birth­day best wish­es go out to sev­er­al of our Eye of the Tiger Club mem­bers. Best wish­es are sent out to Mike Akana on June 5th, Rick Townsend on the 9th, Alan Guire on the 17th and Dan Brubak­er was on the 21st. 

July birth­day greet­ings going out to Flori­da Gov­er­nor Allen Yer­govich. Wish­ing every­one a hap­py and healthy year ahead! You aren’t a year old…it just seems that way.

Please mark your cal­en­dar for our next meet­ing for July 16th, 7 pm. EST.

To help out your eas­i­ly dis­tract­ed EOT newslet­ter edi­tor… please send com­mit­tee reports, pic­tures and ideas to me, Julia Levine. That real­ly helps me out. Thank you!

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