Kiwanis Club of Nassau InterClub AM with EYE of The Tiger

Join us for one of our upcoming Interclubs and/or club meetings. We are all improving the world one child and one community at a time.


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Hope every­one is hav­ing a great week. Our EOT Inter­Club Com­mit­tee has orga­nized anoth­er chance to vis­it the EC&C on Mon­day 7pm EST, 6pm CST. Let us all enjoy our fel­low Kiwa­ni­ans for an evening of fun and Kiwa­nis Friend­ship. If you have any fur­ther ques­tions or com­ments please con­tact us.


Kiwa­nis Club of Nas­sau AM is invit­ing you to a sched­uled Zoom meeting.

Top­ic: Kiwa­nis Club of Nas­sau AM’s Zoom Meeting
Time: Jan 30, 2023 07:00 PM America/Nassau

Join Zoom Meeting

Meet­ing ID: 867 9643 2930
Pass­code: ANCHORED

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