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Meet the Kiwanis International Trustee Candidates and Eye of the Tiger eKiwanis members

April 27, 2023 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

 Hope every­one has had a great day, but tonights sched­uled EOT Meet­ing is being resched­uled to next Thurs­day April 27th at the nor­mal time.  Sor­ry about the late notice, but we have many mem­bers that will not be avail­able due to var­i­ous rea­sons.  Some are fin­ish­ing up devel­op­ing two new clubs in the Mo Ark, some are trav­el­ing, but I think we should all keep in our prayers the Guire fam­i­ly espe­cial­ly Melis­sa and Alan’s 11 yr old grand­son and Melissa’s father. 
Save the Date: April 27th 2023
A friend­ly reminder of our month­ly meet­ing sched­uled for Thurs­day, April 20th, 2023. This mon­th’s Pro­gram: Meet the Kiwa­nis Inter­na­tion­al Trustee Can­di­dates and Eye of the Tiger eKi­wa­nis mem­bers.     
The call times are as follows:
Call Times 04/27/23
8:00 p.m. EDT7:00 p.m. CDT6:00 p.m. MDT5:00 pm PDT.
Malaysia & Philip­pines 9:00am on Fri­day, 04/28/2023

Alan Guire is invit­ing you to a sched­uled Zoom meeting.

Top­ic: EOT eKi­wa­nis Club Meet­ing April 2023
Time: Apr 27, 2023 07:00 PM Cen­tral Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meet­ing ID874 3598 8047
Pass­code: 524742
One tap mobile
+16699006833„87435988047#„„*524742# US (San Jose)
+16694449171„87435988047#„„*524742# US

Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 669 444 9171 US
+1 253 215 8782 US (Taco­ma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Hous­ton)
+1 719 359 4580 US
+1 253 205 0468 US
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Wash­ing­ton DC)
+1 305 224 1968 US
+1 309 205 3325 US
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chica­go)
+1 778 907 2071 Canada
+1 780 666 0144 Canada
+1 204 272 7920 Canada
+57 60 1518 9698 Colombia
+57 60 2620 7388 Colombia
+60 3 7724 4079 Malaysia
+60 3 7724 4080 Malaysia

Meet­ing ID874 3598 8047
Pass­code: 524742
Find your local num­ber: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kbM9fFJ0xb

Thank you.

Seize each day and be blessed!


Eye of the Tiger”


Melis­sa L. Guire

EOT eKi­wa­nis Club Secretary

Kiwa­nis International



kiwanis.org | #Kid­sNeed­Ki­wa­nis



Sent from my iPad
Our Inter­Club Com­mit­tee has us trav­el­ing to the MNDak online eclub’s gen­er­al meet­ing on Wednes­day April 26th at 5pm CST.  Guest Speak­er is Lil­ian Thai. Kiwa­nis Key Club Inter­na­tion­al President.
  So please let’s have a great turnout for this inter­club, we will also be here in June devel­op­ing a three new Kiwa­nis Clubs for the MNDAK Dis­trict..  Here is the zoom link and invite to the next meet­ing. Sor­ry I didn’t get to it yes­ter­day. I have it set up so peo­ple can enter the room at any time. See you then.

Cindy Braseth is invit­ing you to a sched­uled Zoom meeting.

Top­ic: MNDAK online eclub Gen­er­al meeting

Time: Apr 26, 2023 05:00 PM Cen­tral Time (US and Canada)

        Every month on the Fourth Wed, 4 occurrence(s)

        Apr 26, 2023 05:00 PM

        May 24, 2023 05:00 PM

        Jun 28, 2023 05:00 PM

        Jul 26, 2023 05:00 PM

Please down­load and import the fol­low­ing iCal­en­dar (.ics) files to your cal­en­dar system.

Month­ly: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/tZMvdeuvqDsrE9ZrcqdzlBANrO1Q39zlDiao/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGvrDkoHdKVsRCFRpwEAIjoa-3wpmJcj_pnjhz0BzpfQCLYJM0TA-EmCtT0

Join Zoom Meeting


Meet­ing ID872 2276 0192

Pass­code: 443096

Yours in Service,


Cindy Braseth


Min­neso­ta Dako­tas District




Kwan Yong Lee


ZOOM Bahamas + Google Map

If you would like to support the ongoing work of our Kiwanis Eye of the Tiger Club, please click here: