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Club Roster

Our Eye of the Tiger eKi­wa­nis Club is grow­ing. That is because more and more Kiwa­ni­ans under­stand the need to open new, strong, sus­tain­able Kiwa­nis clubs and are hav­ing fun doing it. If you would like to join our eKi­wa­nis club please con­tact club sec­re­tary, Alan Guire and say, “Sign me up!”

Club Mem­bers
Michael Akana Alec Macaulay
Gary Bak­er Aman­da Malonkowski
Kat­ri­na Baranko Lin­da Martin
Greg Beard Lar­ry Memmer
Roger Bell Joseph Mey­er
Ser­e­na Bell Cae­sar Milch
Bar­bara Breuer Tom­my Mills
Valar­ie Brown-Klingelhoefer Sharon Moody
Mary Jo Brubaker Kath­leen Moylan
Dan Brubak­er Michael Mul­haul
Dou­glas Chadwick Mar­i­an O’Higgins
Nanette Clark Rose­mary Oarsley
George Delisle Takahiko Oga­ta
Mary-Lynn Des­jar­lais Ivan Oh
Albert Doo­ley Kel­ly Pena
Mark Espos­i­to Alan Quon
Denise Gasti James Rochford
Audrey Gib­bons Joseph Rug­giero
Lau­ra Gilliland Car­son Schreiber
Ker­ri Gordon William See­man
Charles Gugli­uz­za Tim­o­thy Sheppard
Emil­ia Gugliuzza Cloti Sim­pe­lo
Alan Guire Kendra Skid­more
Melis­sa Guire Dewey Smith
Paul Heinz Armand St Raymond
Myron Hub­bard Alan Strunk
James Janosik Cathy Szy­man­s­ki
Dion Koch Mar­i­an Taylor
Ray Krieg­baum Bar­bara Thompson
Nathaniel Kyle Rick Townsend
Robert Larsen Jose Del Car­men Velasquez Gonzalez
Coleen Law­son-Tay­lor Bert West
Kuan Yong Lee Steven West­phal
Gary Levine Har­vey White
Julia Levine Roge­na Woods-Mitchell
Richard Lim Allen Yer­govich
Brit­tany Love


If you would like to support the ongoing work of our Kiwanis Eye of the Tiger Club, please click here: