Time To Read August

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Author and Illustrator Ashley Spires has created a picture book about an unnamed girl and her very best friend, who happens to be a dog.

For those who are struggling during this time of Covid and feeling frustrated in your efforts to achieve your goals, this funny book for young children offers a perfect example of the rewards of perseverance and creativity. 

The protagonist has a wonderful idea. “She is going to make the most MAGNIFICENT thing! She knows just how it will look. She knows just how it will work. All she has to do is make it, and she makes things all the time. Easy-peasy!”

But making something happen isn’t easy, and the girl tries and fails, repeatedly. Eventually, she is so mad, in fact, that she quits. Her dog convinces her to return to her project with renewed enthusiasm.

The story deals honestly with the feelings expressed, while at the same time reassuring us that it’s okay to make mistakes. While this book is intended for youngsters, the message speaks to us all, 

Happy Reading,

Julia Levine 


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