April Tiger News

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Tiger News!

There were 36 mem­bers present on their com­put­ers or phones for our Kiwa­nis Eye of the Tiger e‑club meet­ing held on the evening of April 16th. From Cal­i­for­nia to Jamaica, Ontario to Flori­da, our club of 56 mem­bers strong enjoyed the oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­nect once again. With every area of the world con­fronting the cur­rent pan­dem­ic, it is good to know that Kiwa­ni­ans con­tin­ue to make a difference.

LGE Coleen Law­son-Tay­lor and hus­band DPLG Dr. Mar­tin Taylor

We wel­comed Coleen Law­son-Tay­lor, EC&C, Lt. Gov. Des­ig­nate Div. 25 from Mon­tego Bay, Jamaica to our meet­ing. Our Past Inter­na­tion­al Pres­i­dent Jim Rochford intro­duced our newest mem­ber as an accom­plished Club open­er in her own right. We are thrilled to have anoth­er mem­ber of the great Dis­trict of East­ern Cana­da and Caribbean join­ing our club. Coleen believes in our mis­sion to grow Kiwanis.

As well, we are pleased to announce the inclu­sion of Tom­my Mills of the Tal­la­has­see Kiwa­nis Club. Sec­re­tary Alan Guire spoke about Tom­my as an ener­getic Mem­ber­ship Coor­di­na­tor of the great Flori­da Dis­trict of Kiwa­nis. Tom­my will bring his enthu­si­asm for Kiwa­nis mem­ber­ship expan­sion in Flori­da along with his com­mit­ment to mak­ing a dif­fer­ence in his com­mu­ni­ty to our club.

Last, but def­i­nite­ly not least, Cae­sar Milch was intro­duced by our Trea­sur­er Valar­ie Brown-Klin­gel­hoe­fer. Cae­sar is the cur­rent Pres­i­dent of the Kiwa­nis Club of Bur­bank. As a lawyer and an accom­plished auc­tion­eer, two attrib­ut­es he shares with our sage Jim, Cae­sar is a ded­i­cat­ed mem­ber our home Cal­NevHa Dis­trict join­ing a strong west coast con­tin­gent in our EOT club.

We have sev­er­al mem­bers that we hope will be on board short­ly. They are Past Gov­er­nor of the New York Dis­trict, Forbes Irvine, cur­rent Gov­er­nor of Ken­tucky-Ten­nessee Kendra Skid­more and Mon­i­ca Fran­co of the small but mighty Rocky Moun­tain District.

We are pleased that the finan­cial review com­mit­tee has been formed and now in the capa­ble hands of EOT mem­bers Armand St. Ray­mond, Bill See­man and Dewey Smith. They have set a tar­get date of May 17 to sub­mit their review of our finances to the club board. Thank you to the com­mit­tee mem­bers and trea­sur­er Valar­ie for keep­ing us on track.

Speak­ing of being on track, we will have our Annu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing as a club on May 21st to vote on our Board of Direc­tors for the 2020–2021 year. Our nom­i­nat­ing com­mit­tee com­prised of Gary Levine, Joe Mey­er and Jim Rochford pre­sent­ed the fol­low­ing slate offi­cers at our meet­ing for your consideration.

Pres­i­dent: Bob Larsen, Pres­i­dent-elect: Joe Mey­er, Past Pres­i­dent: Barb Thomp­son, Sec­re­tary: Alan Guire, Trea­sur­er: Valar­ie Brown-Klin­gel­hoe­fer, Direc­tors: Kat­ri­na Baranko, Mary Jo Brubak­er, Car­son Schreiber, Sage: Jim Rochford. Oth­er nom­i­na­tions are accept­ed up to and from the floor on May 21st.

Our EOT Club is hop­ing to have rep­re­sen­ta­tion from every Dis­trict to pro­mote our mes­sage that it is vital to open new clubs and encour­age mem­ber­ship mind­ed mem­bers to seek lead­er­ship roles. Beyond North Amer­i­ca, only Malaysia is rep­re­sent­ed internationally. 

North Amer­i­can Dis­tricts Need­ing Representatives

  • Kansas
  • Min­neso­ta-Dako­tas
  • Mon­tana
  • Ohio
  • Pacif­ic Northwest
  • South­west
  • Texas-Okla­homa
  • Utah-Ida­ho
  • West­ern Canada
  • Wis­con­sin-Upper Michi­gan 

Upcom­ing Birthdays!

Birth­day best wish­es go out to sev­er­al of our Eye of the Tiger Club mem­bers. Belat­ed best wish­es to Melis­sa Guire on April 11th, Joe Mey­er on the 21st, fol­lowed by Bert West on the 22nd.  Audrey Gib­bons and Colleen Law­son-Brown will share the bless­ings of anoth­er year on the 27th of April. May the year ahead be hap­py and healthy for each of you!

Cur­rent Board of Direc­tors for 2019–2020

Pres­i­dent: Dr. Barb Thompson

Pres­i­dent-Elect: Dr. Bob Larsen

Sec­re­tary: Alan Guire

Asst. Sec­re­tary: Julia Levine

Trea­sur­er Dr. Valar­ie Brown-Klingelhoefer

Past Pres­i­dent: Gary Levine

Sage: Jim Rochford

Board of Direc­tors: Kat­ri­na Baranko, Joe Mey­er, Car­son Schreiber

Please mark your cal­en­dar for for our next meet­ing at 7 pm. EST.

To help out your eas­i­ly dis­tract­ed EOT newslet­ter edi­tor… please send com­mit­tee reports, pic­tures and ideas to me, Julia Levine. That real­ly helps me out. Thank you

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