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Club Roster

Our Eye of the Tiger eKiwanis Club is growing. That is because more and more Kiwanians understand the need to open new, strong, sustainable Kiwanis clubs and are having fun doing it. If you would like to join our eKiwanis club please contact club secretary, Alan Guire and say, “Sign me up!”

Club Members
Michael Akana Alec Macaulay
Gary Baker Amanda Malonkowski
Katrina Baranko Linda Martin
Greg Beard Larry Memmer
Roger Bell Joseph Meyer
Serena Bell Caesar Milch
Barbara Breuer Tommy Mills
Valarie Brown-Klingelhoefer Sharon Moody
Mary Jo Brubaker Kathleen Moylan
Dan Brubaker Michael Mulhaul
Douglas Chadwick Marian O’Higgins
Nanette Clark Rosemary Oarsley
George Delisle Takahiko Ogata
Mary-Lynn Desjarlais Ivan Oh
Albert Dooley Kelly Pena
Mark Esposito Alan Quon
Denise Gasti James Rochford
Audrey Gibbons Joseph Ruggiero
Laura Gilliland Carson Schreiber
Kerri Gordon William Seeman
Charles Gugliuzza Timothy Sheppard
Emilia Gugliuzza Cloti Simpelo
Alan Guire Kendra Skidmore
Melissa Guire Dewey Smith
Paul Heinz Armand St Raymond
Myron Hubbard Alan Strunk
James Janosik Cathy Szymanski
Dion Koch Marian Taylor
Ray Kriegbaum Barbara Thompson
Nathaniel Kyle Rick Townsend
Robert Larsen Jose Del Carmen Velasquez Gonzalez
Coleen Lawson-Taylor Bert West
Kuan Yong Lee Steven Westphal
Gary Levine Harvey White
Julia Levine Rogena Woods-Mitchell
Richard Lim Allen Yergovich
Brittany Love


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