Eye of the Tiger eKiwanis Club Serving the Children of the World

Issue number 1 November 2019

A New Year Begins!

From the President's Desk
Greetings, Fellow (e)Tigers, Welcome to the Eye of the Tiger eKiwanis Club for the 2019-20 Kiwanis year. Thank you to returning members for the part that you played in opening…

Past International Trustee Gary Levine(R) and Governor of Eastern Canada and Caribbean District (L) is pleased to be with Kiwanis Club of South Georgian Bay President Warren Haist and Secretary Debi Wilcox, celebrating the creation of a new club in Collingwood, Ontario, Canada.

The two club blitz, which included volunteers from around the Province, came together for class training and hands on experience.

We know that many of you have been involved in a new club opening in the past month.

Please let us know about your good news and send us along a picture as well to Julia Levine, our newsletter editor.

Tiger News!

Twenty-two Kiwanians attended our October 24th club meeting chaired by our President, Past International Trustee Barb Thompson.

Secretary Allan Guire informed us that there are 49 members in our EOT Club. He reminds us to please send him your approximate service hours you have for club opening etc. so that he may complete our month end reports

Our Treasurer Valerie Brown-Klingelhoefer reported that we donated $150 to the Kiwanis Children's Fund. 

When the next Kiwanis International Convention is held in Indianapolis, International Past President Jim Rochford, EOT member Joe Myer and KI Club Opener Jay Hubbard have all volunteered to help spearhead the club opening event prior to the KI convention.

Committee Chairs

Fundraising Mary Jo Brubaker

Service Projects Julia Levine

Webmaster Gary Levine

Social Media Carson Schreiber

Program Valerie Brown-Klingelhoefer

Financial Review Members Needed*

Should you wish to volunteer for any committees, please contact President Barb.

Please mark your calendar for November 21st for our next meeting and wish EOT PP Gary Levine a Happy Birthday...55 again?

A Time to Blog...
Project Possibilities!
There are many possible projects that we can undertake within our communities to help make a difference in the lives of families. This is a great space for your ideas…

Service With a Smile!
The challenge in doing service as an internet club is that we are scattered throughout the Kiwanis world. The bonus of being an internet club is that we are scattered…


Newsletter Editor: Julia Levine    EOT Website : www.kiwanistiger.com Kiwanis International www.kiwanis.org

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Eye of the Tiger eKiwanis Club
2210 3rd Ave. West • Owen Sound, Ontario
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