Tiger News!

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Tiger News!

There were approximately 55 Eye of the Tiger e-Kiwanis Club members and guests present on their computers or phones for our meeting held on the evening of July 16th. We had participants from coast to coast in the USA, Canada, Jamaica, Columbia, Iceland and Malaysia. We are indeed a global organization coming together in our desire to improve membership, encourage leadership and provide service. 

Our club enjoyed hosting an interclub with the Red Stick e-Kiwanis Club of Baton Rouge from the Louisiana Mississippi West Tennessee District. Club members were introduced by Division 80E Lieutenant Governor Laura Gilliland, including Past President of the European Federation Óskar Guðjónsson and LaMissTenn Governor Bruce Hammatt, along with First Lady Joy. We joined together to sing Happy Birthday to Joy, truly honored that she decided to spent her birthday with us.

President Barb Thompson was excited to be able to induct three new members this evening. All were welcomed with a hearty EOT Zoom handshake. Those new club members include the current Governor of the Utah-Idaho District, Steven L. Westphal sponsored by Joe Meyer, the Past Governor of the Colombia District, Jose Velasquez sponsored by PIT Chuck Gugliuzza and  Membership Chair Taka Ogata from the Indiana District, introduced by Joe. All three of our new members have worked hard to improve membership in their respective Districts. We are extremely pleased they have chosen to join our EOT e-Kiwanis club.

Member Profiles

California Nevada Hawaii candidate for Governor Elect, Valarie Brown-Klingelhoefer, explained how being a “military brat” has given her a broader perspective of the world. Her Doctorate degree led to many years in University administration and she continues to consult in her retirement.  Being a third generation Kiwanian, she is dedicated to growing clubs. Her motto: Dream Big Set Goals sums up Valarie’s dedication and enthusiasm for Kiwanis. We wish our EOT Treasurer all the best in achieving her goals.

Incoming Governor Elect Mary Lynn Desjarlais stepped away from her Lieutenant Governor training, to share her member profile with us. Mary Lynn has been an attorney in Sarasota for thirty years, specializing in estate planning and real estate. She has been tasked with creating the workshops for the upcoming Florida online convention in August. She is thrilled that EOT members are delivering membership growth workshops among the thirty-four educational sessions she has created. Mary Lynn is grateful to be working with the supportive Florida leadership team. Have a great year ahead!

Plant City Citizen of the Year, Division 14 Trustee, Sharon Moody from the Florida District is one very busy Kiwanian. She is a 13 year Kiwanian, now retired from business administration who is actively involved in innumerable committees and organizations. Sharon is throwing her hat into the ring for the position of Vice Governor 2020/2021. Thank you for stepping forward!

Florida District candidate for Governor Elect, Harvey White explained to us how Kiwanis came to his life. If I said, “stale bread”, you might wonder how this could be? However, Harvey participated in the gathering and distribution of bakery donations to help those in need, alongside a Kiwanian. From the experience, Harvey knew that he wanted to be a part of this great service organization. We know Harvey, along with his “First Daughter”, will continue to impact communities throughout the Florida District. Kiwanis is the best thing since sliced bread…

We were delighted to have one of our newest members, Amanda Malinowski, as our guest speaker. Check out our Speaker’s Corner blog to find out more!

Upcoming Birthdays!

August is approaching as are many EOT member birthdays prior to our next club meeting on August 20th. Birthdays include August 3rd Joe Ruggiero, 4th Sharon Moody, 5th Brittany Love, 6th Rosemary Oarsley and the 15th Mark Esposito. On our club meeting, it will be Armand St. Raymond’s birthday celebration. Voices are starting to warm up…

Following our meeting, on the 27th with be Ray Kriegbaum’s day with Steven Westphal blowing our his candles on the 28th. Felicitations to all!

To help out your easily distracted EOT newsletter editor… please send committee reports, pictures and ideas to me, Julia Levine. That really helps me out immensely. Thank you!

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