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The Eye of the Tiger eKiwanis Club

In our 2017 – 2018 Kiwanis year, under the leadership of then International President, Jim Rochford, we broke an almost 30 year membership decline with the opening of 415 new Kiwanis clubs and a global net increase in membership. A lot of Kiwanians from all over the world put in time and energy to bring about this success. Even at that, it didn’t happen by accident. It happened because of developing process affectionately referred to as The Eye of the Tiger.

In the 1982 film, Rocky III, Rocky Balboa comes back to regain his title by first becoming laser focused on winning his match. He must put all else aside and develop an eye like the tiger on a hunt. He does, and he wins. In the Kiwanis world of new club opening we, too, must put aside distractions and approach our task with the single minded focus of a tiger on the hunt. We must develop our eye of the tiger. By doing so, and following the steps that  have been documented to succeed, we too will fin the fight against a declining membership. We have. We are. And will will.

At the end of that Kiwanis administrative year, in part to commemorate our success, we formed this eye of the tiger virtual Kiwanis club. Made up of club openers all over the world our goals are:


    1. Open a new Kiwanis club at the site of an International Convention
    2. Mentor Kiwanians how to open new Kiwanis clubs
    3. Develop leaders at District and international Level in the culture of growing Kiwanis
    4. Do a large scale service project

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